Campaign Trail: 4 days left

Day 301, 17:07 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So recently I have been talking to Chimichonga on the eRepublik IRC (really just tonight). We both seem to have equal admiration for each other and are quite delighted that we have competition in the race for the mayoralty of Trenton.

Just so that everyone knows, Chimichonga's activity has been devastated by Hurricane Ike who tore through Indiana taking out his power and internet. What connectivity he has is via his Blackberry cell phone. (Spoiler: He hopes to publish his platform tomorrow.)

I'd have to say that if I were to lose, I'd rather lose to Chimichonga or Heywood over anyone else running for Mayor of Trenton. I know this is a bold statement from such a vocal and active politician - and trust me I do want to have your support in the elections to become Trenton's public servant number one - but I feel these two players to be honest and reliable. Admittedly, I have probably been the most vocal candidate for mayor, but I'm certainly not the only one with desires to better your lives.

In the upcoming four days, I will reprint my platform (the original) with the small amendments included where appropriate. I expect almost all of you to turn out for the poles considering how important this local election is (it could be the last before the release of V1 for all we know).

So as I've said tens of times before in articles and PMs, get out there, do research and Vote on September 20 (day 305 TNW) for who you want to be your mayor of Trenton.

Amendment: We morn the lives of two more Trentonians who have died recently. May their eSouls Rest in Peace.