Campaign: Military Goal's

Day 1,586, 07:11 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

We have had some luck in the war lately retaking the french held london.
But we all know its all up hill from here.

National Defence
We need to defend the regions we have if we are to have any hope of taking the country back we need to fortify our current regions and press a slow advance through the french to the canadian held northern regions a large sum will need to be spent on defences to maintain our nation.

National Military
We need to reform our national army with veteran officers to begin the reformation and after they have had time to get to know eachother and can work together well they will begin recruiting further under controlled terms to avoid the mess the unit they are replacing became.

Operation Firestorm
I cant tell you about that one yet but should I be elected I will be in touch with the MU commanders.

National Weapons Programme
I will open up a voulenter scheme to allow cheap sales of high level weapons this will open 3 jobs per factory and all profit will be donated to the treasury.

Theses are just a few of the ideas myself and my future MoD staff have thought of so far more will be published as the elections go on.