Callumh1234CP - The 6 Point Plan

Day 2,053, 01:44 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

As I have said in my earlier articles, I have a 6 point plan of Governance if I am elected. Here they are again with a little bit more added.

1. 7 Regions

Pretty self explanatory, I will do everything in my power to liberate/maintain our core regions.

2. 12 MPP’s

I plan to bump our MPP stack up 12, filled with TWO aligned nations and close allies. I will be putting my own money into bumping the list and also enough to maintain the extra MPPs for the next couple of months. The list I am most likely putting together will be:

1. South Africa
2. Greece
3. Turkey
4. Argentina
5. Lithuania
6. China
7. Poland
8. Serbia
9. Hungary
10. Venezuala
11. Romania
12. Spain

I kept New Zealand out on purpose due to Chile remaining an imminent threat and we may need NZ to shield us from an airstrike/invasion and it would be a waste of cc to MPP them.

3. Constant Education Articles

With my Education Department, I have decided to do something a little bit out of the box and offer payment to whoever does the position, and does it well. I will discuss the amount they will get nearer the election (I will be paying for this not the Government) and Deputies will get a sum as well. I know the Education Department better than anyone, I know it is a thankless job people do to leapfrog them into a better department. The best way to get a constant stream of articles is to give an incentive to do so, which is what I plan to do. I will also personally be doing a great deal of the work in releasing articles.

4. Weekly Government Podcast

Yup you heard right, I will be remaking a blogtalkradio account and I will be doing my weekly cabinet reports through that platform, as well as answer any questions the nation may have.

5. Transparency

I plan to have a "nothing to hide" government. I want a constant stream of information to ensure no citizen is left behind. I will be doing this by a constant stream of Government articles and the podcast.

6. Reform

My main reform will be the ADF and its function. I will be creating a committee to give an informed and in depth opinion as to where the future of the ADF lies. My reforms will also stretch to education where I plan to reorganise Centrelink where the staffers will also be given incentives to ensure the highest performance possible.

You know what to do on the 5th, vote Callumh1234CP


professional baller.