Callumh1234CP - Portfolio's & Debate + Major Policies Announced

Day 2,045, 23:35 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123


Good evening eAustralia, the purpose of this article is to inform the public of what I would expect from my cabinet if I am elected in the July Election.


Foreign Affairs

As the current Minister of Foreign Affairs I understand what TWO are planning and I know that we can get the support needed for an emphatic win against eIndonesia. We look set to claim most of our regions back at least before the election, my concern for next month if elected as CP is maintaining these regions and also helping our new allies.
The Foreign Affair goals will be the following:

- 12 MPP's

We will have 12 MPP’s with mostly TWO/ACT countries as well as some neutral ones. The team will work hard to identify the best countries to MPP and how to improve relationships with those countries.

- Signing Pacts with Greece and China

This is already underway but if this is not done before then this will be a priority. This Pact will be a Mutual Defence Pact which will be a bit different from your normal MPP. When one of us is under attack, the other will fight for that country as if they were fighting for their own country. It promotes brotherhood with two allies who have been with us since the start.

- Ambassador Program

The Ambassador Program will be run a bit differently this time around. Ambassadors will be only sent to MPP’s and members of TWO/ACT. Being the Director of the Ambassador is a thankless job, it is generally seen by the public as lower than a Deputy in Foreign Affairs and there is not many people putting their hand up to do the job. The person in charge will be given an incentive system to get the maximum out of ambassadors serving overseas. I plan to have a weekly Ambassador report on each country in which we have an ambassador in, to ensure that eAustralian’s are up to date on affairs from around the world.

- Transparency

Foreign Affairs have always had a rough time in the transparency department, I know as I have taken a lot of flak in that department. To escape this I will ensure the MoFA and his team have a weekly Foreign Affairs report on what the team has been doing and what they are striving to do. They will also be given a segment on the Government Podcast.

Department of Defence

The Department of Defence will be more important than ever next month, whether it be getting our regions back or maintaining them. We will need an active and enthusiastic team to lead the country in this department. There will be key military reforms and conversation which will hopefully be incited by our team. So here are the key points for the team if electe😛

- ADF Reform

The ADF has been a controversial policy for well, let’s just say a long time. As someone who served in the ADF for many months and served as Deputy Marshal I know how much good the ADF has done. I do feel it is time to change the ADF to a system that will do more good. It is clear having a central military is not worth the costs as most of our fighters are already in other MU’s. As long as the Government and the MU’s of eAustralia share a mutual understanding and the purpose of protecting eAustralia, the ADF in my opinion should act to help new players.

I will be putting it to all MU Leaders to agree to make all new members under the level of 25 do the ADF Program to grow and teach our new generation of players. The new players will be funded by the ADF to help take some of the pressure off MU’s while the players will remain in their respective MU’s. Greater detail will be given on this particular policy in my Reform article.

- Constant updating on orders

We often see DoD fall off in keeping orders updated, or even published. The way I plan to structure my team is to cover all timezones to make sure orders are always up to date so we never waste damage.

- Lrn2Fight

This will be articles on the art of button clicking. When to do it, how to conserve your damage and to know when to use it. These articles will be constantly circulated.

- DoD War Games

This will be an eAustralian Tournament where over a week whoever does the most damage over that week will receive a prize. There will be a winner from each division.

Culture and Immigration

Culture will be Education, Information, Babyboom, Immigration and just general things like competitions. There will be a Senior Minister who will be Minister of Culture and Immigration and then a Deputy of Education a Deputy of Information and a Deputy of Immigration as well as interns. Members of this particular department will have an incentive program to ensure these thankless roles are always treated with the respect they deserve.

- Government Podcast

The Government will have a weekly podcast where we will take questions from the citizens, have Cabinet Ministers on, Senators on and prominent eAustralians doing good things in the eCommunity. This will be a one hour podcast using Blog Talk Radio and will be hosted by myself and our Information Staff.

- Weekly Roundup

This will be a weekly cabinet report on the dealings of each Department and sub Department.

- Constant Education Articles

I will be working with the member in Education to ensure there is always a published Education article in circulation. It is important that if the occasional noob does waltz in one day that they are able to understand what is going on. There will also be an article always in circulation of links to other articles by the Education Department.

- Competitions

The DoCI will run competitions to keep our media active, give some newer players some financial reprieve and try to provide something other than clicking some buttons for fun. I plan to run a competition on the first day if elected.


Finance is one of those roles where after the budget they don’t see to have much to do. My plan is to make sure Finance releases a weekly article on the economy of eAustralia. You may argue what the point is seeing as the admins have made bad decisions on the economy and it’s dead. I do feel though that eAustralian people could do with a bit of enlightenment on what our economy does and what it is currently doing.

Roundup and Last Notes

Tomorrow night at 7PM AEDT there will be a special Question Time Debate between the acknowledged CP candidates. At the moment it will be run by Tim Holtz, so if you have any questions for us candidates, please message them to him. All incentive programs that I have mentioned will come from my pocket and not the treasury.

What Callumh123 Cabinet hierarchy would look like:



MoFA MoCI MoD MoF DoAmbassadors

Deputies Ambassadors


Ballin’ Yo.