Calling it How I see it / A New Journey

Day 1,093, 16:20 Published in South Korea South Korea by Sirius Padfoot Black

This is a two part article. Enjoy.

Calling it how I see it:

Since I no longer have a ministry position, and no longer represent the administration, and am loosing faith in my favorite eCountry quickly, I would like to take a minute for us all to step a way from our societal biases and roles, and look from a strictly honest perspective. Time to be force-fed a hearty spoon of reality.

First, let's deal with our divided lines, since this is approximately the root of all problems. Currently, there are three factions in Korea. These factions are introverted and don't work very well together. These three factions are A.) RL Koreans B.) Romanians and C.) everyone else. "Faction C" is not truly a faction, because they are not a mass in the same sense as the other two, but I will still refer to them as Faction C, for lack of a better word.

In the last presidential election, the way the vote was spit was very obvious. First, the RL Koreans voted to reelect Grease. Then "faction" C typically supported me, Sirius Black. Unfortunately, this split vote was to be expected. But what was interesting was the way the Romanians voted. Promising to be neutral, and let the Koreans decide was a strange move in that they overwhelmingly voted for Grease. But why would they put on a charade, and lie? At the time they did not care about Korea, except as another set of people fighting for their beloved homeland.

Bogdan Sabo's recent article made this very apparent. He made a claim that Romania was our "true allies" based on the fact that they fought in the War for Jeju, and now we should go fight for "our true ally" Romania! But if recall, Romania hardly fought in our war, they were too busy in Europe. I don't blame them, why fight for us when they have a war of their own? But the fact that they claimed they we were all but obligated to fight for them in return says a lot. True "allies" don’t gloat and brag about what they did, and much less do they tell you what to do in return. Even worse is to sign an Peace treaty with our biggest enemy. Romania couldn't care less about us, but just want us to fight for them in their bitter alliance war. No thanks.

The fact that we even have a spontaneous MPP with Romania is something which I am not happy about, but I don't really feel like beating a twice dead horse.

However, as far as I can tell, most of the naturalized Romanians are proving to be very helpful, are dropping their self-segregation, and are contributing. They are becoming more independent players, and playing more as a Korean, and less as a Romanian. Your initial actions still make me wary but turning for the better, I have to say thank you for all you've done. I honestly appreciate it.

But the huge problem in this country is the absolute division between RL Koreans and everyone else (groups B & C). A form of segregation is being formed that is hindering the groups from working together. In the days of 798 and shortly after, the communities were giving the best characteristics of each, but this blend is declining.

Separate IRCs is problem #1. The typical two-channel argument is, "why don't you use both?!?" but I wonder why two is necessary? Both groups of people can talk using one channel, or at least the same server. Having two is harder to manage than it should be, and promotes this separation. Now I hear there is rumors of a third channel in the works. This makes no sense, especially since its another browser based client, that is not on Rizon. By leaving Rizon, eSK is guaranteed to lose all of the active ambassadors and making anything international more difficult.

The national forum is also a problem of sorts. It's inactivity is crippling, especially amongst RL Koreans and Romanians. In the latest DCinsider, it was stated that grease was working on creating a new forum. Again, this promotes segregation. I've lived in a Korea with two national forums, and it was the most divided time I remember in the republic of 798. No matter what, you DO NOT WANT two forums. Grease does has global moderator powers on the original national forum. This forum has worked for months and I suggest Grease adapts the forum as he sees fit rather than make a new one.

This segregation has reached a point of no return, and has also promoted a interesting way in which power is dealt. The decisions are becoming almost unanimous, which is something which I think may be a RL cultural basis of Koreans. eSK is becoming more and more like RL SK by the day and that is why I think the English communities influence will dwindle to a point of nonexistence.

A New Journey:

While I will miss the days in which Korea was a place in which both communities came together, I understand it will most likely never be this way again. As per the ideas of two former Koreans gone Kiwi, it is time to hand over the country to the RL Koreans.

It is up to them now to sink or swim, something in which I have no place in. I am now closing this chapter in my eLife to carry on to a new land, and I am encouraging others to follow me. I have met great people here whom I will miss, but not forget. If you would like, add me as a friend.

I feel sad to leave many of the friends I’ve met here in Korea, because I know there are a lot of good people still here, and honor your dedication. Korea and its citizens will always be held very dear to me, and I will never do anything to hurt it.

I plan to still visit the IRC on Rizon. I also hope to continue spreading Sunocracy in my next country, so feel free to subscribe to stay illuminated.

However Wladimir seems to be staying and he will give you the local Sunocracy you deserve. He is a great citizen and I would like to turn the Solar Temple of Korea into his hands. The Solar Temple is becoming an international conglomerate, which has its own IRC channel at #thesolartemple

The direction eSK is taking is not the one I would choose, but I respect their decision to govern themselves. While I may view this as a dark time, where the Sun King is weak, I understand that this may be right for a new generation. Though for the likes of me I lose faith in my ability and place in Korea. I've come to a point where it's "Abandon Ship or Abandon All Hope"