Call your friends ...

Day 1,103, 13:03 Published in Turkey Slovenia by dupi
Disclaimer: this article is not for multies, its an opportunity to your friends to help you in few minutes (with society builder medal + 10% of their treasury maps)

Call all your friends because the newbies can reach (at least) level 15 in one day now 😒

There are new rules again: when you improve your rank you will get +5 xp and health replenish.


ps1: new motto for this "game": It lasted me a year to reach level 21 - you can do it in a day!

ps2: there are already 1000+ polish player who heard about this game only today.

ps3: if you are a low-level player with low rank, fight until you can reach new rank(s)! You can get 100-150 xp easily.

ps4: congrats to BattalGazi for his 200th BH medal : )