California Freed

Day 655, 10:13 Published in USA USA by Draconican

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California is finally free
Yesterday the eUSA got the opportunity to take back the initiative after bad luck struck Indonesia, their president was permanently banned and could not be impeached anymore. That ended their strategy to attack and retreat to keep initiative. After Arizona was successfully defended an attack was opened to free California from PEACE’s grasp. With still more than 4 hours to go the Indonesians had already been pushed over 1 million points into the underground. Officials remained on the lookout for a counter offensive, and advised the public to keep calm and hold fire.

Presidential elections
As expected Emerick is running for his second term as eUSA president. There has not been a lot of campaigning, mostly because Emerick has made quite a few great accomplishments, and is in such high regard of the public that no one else wishes to challenge him. At 2:00 he had over 80% of the total votes. At 6:51 ET Emerick reached 1000 votes, 844 more than Gaius Julius. And that trend continues as more people make their way towards the voting booth.

Remain cautious
Although California was taking swiftly and without much resistance the public should remain cautious for Indonesian soldiers that have been left behind and lurk in the ruins of their Hospital and defense systems. Also the fires in these buildings combined with the burning wrecks of tank could cause smog.