California Citizens: Please Read

Day 372, 07:20 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

I'd like to thank you so much for electing me as your congressman. I plan on sticking to my promises on how to vote, but want to especially make sure that your voice is heard in the eUSA government. Please, if you have any requests, complaints, comments, or questions, forward them my way and I will do my best to answer. My views on topics are as follows: Wellness: I believe that all citizens should have full support of the government and community when their wellness drops below 45. This however is still depressing. If each indiviual supports others by gifting - the community will thrive as production soars. As such, though my duty as congressman may not include creating programs, I would like to urge all California citizens to send me a message if you can become a gift partner. Whatever your circumstances are, I can find a place for you.

Defense System:

California is blessed to have a Q4 hospital, but the world thrives on wanting better. I will, as congressman, push for a Defense System in California, we are not a landlocked state, and we do border a country, and the value of California should not be underestimated - California needs a defense system.


Taxes are a tricky subject and since joining this game, my views have changed many times. I believe this is a stance all members of Congress need to take. A stance of flexibility. The economy is constantly fluctuating, with prices and wages and inflation constantly on the move - and the eUnited States government must be just as quick to react and put out new proposals that will benefit the whole, not just the individual.


I believe that war is necessary to boost the economic value of eAmerica, I urge all of eAmerica to not become emotionally attached to winning however. If we are to have a war, we must understand that the most important benefit is boosting the dying sectors in our economy and reviving them. Winning is merely the cherry on top. If we become attached to winning, we will not know when to put an end to the fighting and we could possibly see things get very sour, very fast.

Foreign Affairs:

eUSA needs to begin investing in the many resistances happening in Europe right now. A few large empires not only take away the very point of this New World, but pose a large threat the survival of America. We must publicly or at least privately fund these resistances and support the new countries that develop.

Minimum Wage:

I believe the current minimum wage is set at a perfect amount, but like taxes urge all congress members, to be ready to change the wage if and when economic changes occur.


America needs to be very careful selecting MPP's, watching which countries have MPP's with other countries and picking our allies closely. ATLANTIS and PEACE are amazing unions, but they are treading on thin water. The stability and control that comes with these unions can also bring about great conflict and chaos and we would it would be very unwise to merely click YES on any MPP that comes our way.

At the end of every week, I will post how I voted on proposals during that week and why I voted that way. If you have any concerns about the eUSA that you want voiced to the rest of the government. Contact me, or your state congressman/woman, and let us know!