Cadouri de la Primaria Iasi / Gifts from the Mayor of Iasi

Day 297, 06:37 Published in Romania Romania by GabrielP

Cu razboiul Romania vs. Ungaria pus pe pauza, eu am continuat, din functia de Primar de Iasi, programul de acordare de cadouri pentru marirea wellness-ului cetatenilor din Iasi care au lucrat si s-au antrenat din greu (7 zile pe saptamana) in saptamana 1-7 septembrie.
Lista cu 28 cetatenii din Iasi care au primit cadouri pe 7 si 8 septembrie:

[ ENGLISH ] With the Romania vs. Hungary war put on hold, I continued from my position - the mayor of Iasi (region of Moldavia) - the program of giving Gifts to increase the wellness of the citizens of Iasi who worked and trained hard (7 dais a week) in the week 1-7 September.
List with 28 citizens of Iasi who received Gifts in September 7th and 8th:

ArTeMiS 1 Gift Q2
asterix 2 Gifts Q2
bOd 1 Gift Q2
BlaueCorsa 2 Gifts Q2
BlooM 1 Gift Q2
bradu 2 Gifts Q2
bugsysiegel 2 Gifts Q2
darkart 1 Gift Q2
diablo0232 1 Gift Q2
dynni 1 Gift Q2
dwF 1 Gift Q2
foamy 1 Gift Q2
FoxPro 1 Gift Q2
Fulga 1 Gift Q2
Gray 4 Gifts Q1
Ingineras 1 Gift Q2
IpwnYouCry 2 Gifts Q2
Kaneg 2 Gifts Q2
Margelatujr 1 Gift Q2
Matol 1 Gift Q2
Mihai84 2 Gift Q2
momora 1 Gift Q2
nikini 4 Gifts Q1
PrimalSin 1 Gift Q2
Sir Gabius 2 Gifts Q2
Thane 1 Gift Q2
ZCPM 1 Gift Q2
zeuskamikaze 1 Gift Q2

Cu bani din trezoreria Iasului am cumparat urmatoarele cadouri:
21 Gifts Q2 x 2.74 RON = 57.54 RON - de la 'A Shop for the Gifted'
8 Gifts Q2 x 2.76 RON = 22.08 RON - de la 'La trei cuci'
6 Gifts Q2 x 2.37 RON = 14.22 RON - din strainatate
8 Gifts Q1 x 1.18 RON = 9.44 RON - din strainatate
Total = 103.28 RON (pentru 78 puncte de wellness)

With the money from the Iasi Treasury I bought:
21 Gifts Q2 x 2.74 RON = 57.54 RON - from 'A Shop for the Gifted'
8 Gifts Q2 x 2.76 RON = 22.08 RON - from 'La trei cuci'
6 Gifts Q2 x 2.37 RON = 14.22 RON - from abroad
8 Gifts Q1 x 1.18 RON = 9.44 RON - from abroad
Total = 103.28 RON (for 78 wellness points)

Programul continua si in aceasta saptamana. Prioritate la acordarea cadourilor au cetatenii din Iasi care nu au primit cadouri saptamana trecuta si care se anunta cu un comentariu la acest articol.

[English] The program will continue this week. Priority have the citizens of Iasi that didn't receive Gifts last week and who are announcing themselves in the comments of this article.