Cabinet report day 1171

Day 1,171, 02:29 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

Ok this was started 3 days ago and never got around to finishing it due to all the Chile fish wars stuff I had to deal with. It's wall of text but explains how busy we have been behind the scenes.

I will start with the NZ land swap then onto the Chile war explaining what led to it and why it changed.

The New Zealand Land swap had to be dragged out for 7 days as that is how long the Natural Enemy laws last before they can be changed. We eventually got it done and lots of people gained experience and the economy got its productivity boost.

After the land swap with NZ, I was approached by NZ to say they wanted to declare peace to work on another venture.
I accepted this and for a few days we relaxed and concentrated on our MPP battles.
Then admins hit us with a new mission and new rules regarding Natural enemy, our options were limited, we could go North to Indonesia, but I vowed to protect Australia, not destroy us.
Peru were already under attack and had numerous MPPs with allies.
That left Chile and New Zealand, I contacted NZ and heard they had inklings of a war with Chile.
Talks started and after contacting numerous people I said we would help them as our soldiers were getting restless with no Natural Enemy and the prospects of a possible fish and deer region was tempting to boost the food productivity. Then Chile declared NZ Natural enemy and NZ countered. 5 hrs later I declared Chile as NE with instructions to senate to hold there votes in case it was voted down by NZ and Chile. Chile Attacked Auckland and so I gave instructions to pass ours. We then attacked Zona Austral in Chile.
Its now that things started to happen on the diplomatic front.
We found out that Bulgaria was helping Chile to get MPPs with Greece and Romania and with Chile possibly becoming an EDEN country, this put us in a predicament stuck between new friends and our Alliance. During this time a Spanish MPP was considered to counter the possible threat of Argentina and an [EO] was put to senate to consider.
I had a meeting again with Chile and Bulgaria to find out how we could work around the situation we found ourselves in and came to a compromise set of battles which involved training wars centered around the 2 southern regions of Chile and ultimately releasing them back to Chile at a convenient time.
Once this was agreed on, I then sat in during the Chile-NZ talks which broke down and are not my place to reveal what happened.
After this I notified Xavier Griffiths(speaker of the senate)/ Cabinet/ ADF and the main money tankers to hold fire and the plan from then on.
I also notified senate of the [EO] MPP to be cancelled as the threat was removed.

That is where we are today.


Our attack on Zona Austral, was, I admit pretty woeful. It was obvious from the start that there was a general lack of tactical awareness, especially when we were over 80% and people kept on fighting in the first 2 battles. That set the trend and from then on in a general downwards spiral when Chile concentrated more on us than NZ. More planning is called for in these battles to spread out our hitters to be achieve our goals. Flatty has taken over responsibility for Military now and the Chile campaign was a nice little welcome, I have every confidence he will grow into the job and if re elected he will be a member of the Mod team somewhere.

Foreign Affairs

Strained relations between Larni and the rest of the cabinet didn’t help here especially everytime the Bowen affair was mentioned, eventually Larni removed herself from the cabinet room and thus missed out on a lot of information which made it harder to communicate with her. I had to do most of the Chile/Bulgaria communication as it was an elongated process dealing with many timezones.
We did manage to work together to get the China MPP through though.


I been in contact with Indonesia repeatedly asking about the return of our regions, especially when they had another saltpeter region and were under attack by China. We were rebuffed on each occasion and as I promised to keep Australia safe and rebuild I didn’t press the matter.


It has been an up and down month with finally having 3 members(michael windsor, lord ferrum and steyvesant) looking after the department under trying conditions, I feel they performed above expectations under the circumstances they were placed under as they had no clear leader and attempted to produce articles at regular intervals.
We have released 6 or so NEW informative articles. A total of 10 new ones are on a baby site making a library.
We have been training Styvesant mainly this term - getting him to write articles, the other departments.
Articles were published according to events ( Senate Elections, Party President Elections)
Helped to give out MT to evacuate Tas.
Promoted IRC and the forums numerous times.
And lastly,
Made a site solely based on education, which alas is not quite ready yet, but watch this space.


Tax intakes have increased from $800 aud in the first days to approx $2500 a day now, we had peaks of $5000 during the major battles days as well. Spending has been kept in check and at present we are well under the projected budget spending for the month. Money market management has not been a main government priority this term as we can not control it at present and has mainly fallen to individuals(Savonrepus mainly) to keep a steady stream of gold available. Srg91 informed me that he was possibly going to be inactive after the budget was made due to RL issues and Venja agreed to stand in whilst this happened.


This has been another up and down area with me mainly taking a major role, I understand people will always want more info and if re elected then a full time PR person will be put in place to make it more visable.

During this term my main aims have been trying to keep the country stable and moving forward both economically and militarily, I have achieved this in both the NZ Land swap and Chile campaigns and have never put the country in danger by making sure battles are held on foreign soil. We are at present in a far better position than when I gained control and the future looks brighter now, there are still obstacles to overcome namely our regions held by Indonesia and I make no promises as to there immediate future, but I will always let Indonesia know that we want them back.


CP eAustralia

And finally because it alarmed me and I really want to know why....


Why have a few people come back to me and ask why my MoFA asked them not to fight in the first Zona Austral battle in Chile??'