Cabinet...More Than Just A Place To Store Cups

Day 780, 17:28 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Whispering Elizabeth

Hi everyone. First, I would to thank everyone who supported me and voted for me in the elections. I am honored to have the privilege of being your President.

I would like to also express how grateful I am to have Boethiah as my Vice President. He really does work hard and cares dearly about the country and its citizens. I know he'll be a kick ass VP.

I asked some great people to be in my cabinet and to my delight they accepted. I know they will do an excellent job. So here they are:

Vice-President: Boethiah
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Atracurium
Minister of Finance: Kryteshyft
Minister of Defense: Relorian
Minister of Immigration: ChewChewShoe
Minister of New Citizens/Wellness: Srnth
Minister of Information: Beyond Average
SOL Representative: Boethiah
SOL Advisory Representatives: Bucth
Whispering Elizabeth

Now to speak about the elephant in the room...war games. Here's my idea...I was thinking that each citizen could donate a bit of gold, as much as they are able and wanting to give, in order to fund an alliance. This is in no way mandatory and I will be donating some of my own gold for this as well. Please PM either me or Boethiah and let us know what you think.

Vice President Boethiah has a great idea. He is holding an article writing contest. He would like citizens to write an article encouraging people to move to eSingapore and become part of our great country. Here is the link to the article for more information.

Thank you so much for your time everyone. Anyone with any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to PM me or Vice President Boethiah. We are both here to help any and all citizens.

Elizabeth Boethiah - President of eSingapore and proud wife of Vice President Boethiah