Cabinet Members for February

Day 447, 18:54 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

I am sorry it took this long to finally complete the cabinet position, and to release it. I still needed some final confirmation, and final communication with some of the people to ensure that our cabinet for this month will be active, and will help and represent eJapan well. Much had changed from the last month, and some of the Cabinet position were merged or cut, since they were not working as planned. I hope this month, everything will go accordantly, and It will all work out for the benefit of eJapan.

With out further rambling, here is the Cabinet of eJapan for this month...

Vice Presidents: Kogarashi Hazuki & Modelcon

Both of them, In my humble opinion, are very active, and very influential newer figure in eJapan. They follow public opinions, and keep great check on media, and forum to understand some views within Japan, and to make sure Japan is administered and led well. Because Last month, I was too busy to provide with sufficient leadership, This month, I took great deal of time deciding the Vice president role to make sure eJapan will have leader when I am absent. Both of them also have their clear vision, and view, which are trait of strong minded, and of great leader. Also, they will have no problems working together as team. They will greatly create more active leadership within Japan to make us more active country.

Secretary of Treasury: Ice_Freeze

Ice_Freeze, for another month will be heading the Secretary of Treasury role for eJapan this month. His support for loan program will be put to good use this month, as government is currently developing, and creating a loan and grant program open to the people to stimulate, and stabilize our market. This month, Ice_Freeze should be able to keep good collection of our public money, keep them safe, and put them in good use. Ice_Freeze, Congress, and I, myself, will hope to collaborate and create a economic policy for this month, which will put end to this Japanese recession which had started about 3 month ago.

Secretary of State: Origineel.NL

Origineel.NL, both excellent, and well experienced citizen of eJapan, will be taking role as Secretary of State this month. His experience, and long time player allows him to know many people within Game, and to give him advantage in the foreign affairs. Also, being the past president, he have great skill in diplomacy, and ability to converse, and represent Japan to best of his ability. He is already working very hard to represent Japan in the world. I believe he will continue to do excellent job in this position.

Secretary of Defense: King B & InfernoSD

Our defense for this month will once again be headed by King B and InfernoSD. They are busy working for creation and maintenance of our army. I believe they will continue to do good job, and continue to develop, and provide fair defense to our country.

Secretary of Interior: Kogarashi Hazuki

Kogarashi Hazuki will once again lead the role of Secretary of Interior. In the past, he had created very excellent article to guide newer citizens of Japan to familiarize with the life of eJapan fairly well, And this past article which he had written farther convinced me, that there is no one fit for this position than him. He is highly active, and he should continue to guide our newer citizens, and Provide plans for the general welfare of our country, and for future building improvements.

Secretary of Communication: Modelcon

Modelcon, had proven greatly in my mind, as a great influencing figure within eJapan media, with his own newspaper attracting many viewers, and his ability to create rational, and mostly unbiased informal article, for the general public of eJapan. His objective views, and insight within eJapanese government should allow him to be able to inform all of eJapan citizens with great ease, and with most profound methods.

Well, these are our new cabinet members, and I hope we will have more success this month. The monetary market once again, had plummeted to 0.007 rate, thus much most likely be needed to tackle again to try to stabilize them. Also, Market require more help now to provide enough higher quality foods to the Japanese citizens. We hope we will be able to serve these positions with honor, and complete all of our duties.