Cabinet Considerations and Policy Ideas

Day 1,563, 11:17 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

Ive assembled a short list of some of my intended cabinet members and policy's

Cabinet considerations
Mo😨 irishboy1967
He is a popular choice with the citizens and is more than capable to take of the position so provided he would take it he would be my choice
MoFA: Pokeman
Should he be granted a return to UK citizenship I will appoint pokeman as my MoFA should he choose to take the post he is a trusted ally and has a good amount of experience dealing with other goverments
Deputy PM: Lord Leo Britanic
He has been an ally from the beginning and has good leadership skills so I will be appointing him as my deputy PM should I be elected
MoHA: Open
Minister of Legislative Affairs: Open
Minister of Finance: Open

Policy Ideas

Establish a new national military :

The national military may have been a mess but it was wrong to disband them should I be elected I wish to reform the national military with a good mix of veterans and new faces to make up its ranks to avoid the problems of before Im thinking about a short term member limit keeping it to 70 for the first few months for the members to get to know each other and get used to working together followed by a gradual expansion.

National Food/Weaponry Programme:

The idea of a national food/weaponry production company has been floating around in my head for a while at my current specs it would cost a fair amount of the gold reserve to construct 5-10 Q6 weapon factory's and the same in food factory's along with facility's to support them though it would open 4 jobs in each for 200GBP per day weapons on sale for 20GBP each and food for 1GBP with all income from sales going to pay employees and the rest to the treasury.

Form a Joint forces comman😛

If and when we get aid from our allies it will be no good without coordination so I suggest establishing a Joint forces command with officials from each nation fighting in the ONE resistance helping to organise our strikes.