Cabinet and such Ramblings

Day 1,383, 08:59 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

I guess it's time for a full cabinet breakdown. This has been a week long process with much thought put into it. It's very easy to fill a cabinet with the same old faces but I didn't like that idea. I began a process of applications, seeing who was willing to put a foot forward, reviewing their activity and potential. Willingness to learn, enthusiasm. If a person is going to pit no effort why bother with them? Therefore I worked on building a team based not on tradition but rather by spirit. A grand mix of a few older players and alot of newer faces.

Vice President- Ralph Kline

Chief of Staff- Mann551

Minister of Defense- Damien Wolf deputy- Gary Hubert

Minister of Finance- Etemenaki he has not officially replied yet but I trust he will accept

Minister of Foriegn Affairs- Ethel Rosenberg

Minister of Education- Simon Boucher-Ruest deputy- Sir Arthur William Currie

Minister of Justice- Oliver Mellors he has not accepted or denied this position yet but is thinking about it. I will reserve this spot if he decides to take it.

Minister of Justin Bieber- Sperry It's a life long appointment I can't get rid of him 😛

Ok Sperry is comptroller and not really part of cabinet but I will suggest that prehaps the comptroller should have access to post in Open Door Congress, somehow that's makes logical sense. There is room for a couple additions but I'm quite happy with this group as it is right now. Hoping I didn't miss anyone but I believe the new blood injection will prove itself to be successful.

Also I'm now taking applications for an Auditor General to see where the money is going. If you what to dig and report on this please PM me.
