C0sm0's Congressionel Presentation

Day 544, 06:08 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

The following article is C0sm0's congressional presentation for Nunavut, which I am publishing for his convenience.

I am announcing today that I am officially a candidate for congress for the Canadian Social Democrats.
I pay tribute first of all to dabman, for his courage, his dignity, his decency and to what he has achieved for us in the last month with Cleo’s departure. I’d also like to congratulate Trenton Rendell on his victory in the Party Presidency election.
This is a great party, among the longest-standing, most successful party in the history of eCanada. We are a party broad and generous - broad in appeal and generous in outlook - a party capable of representing all eCanada and eCanadians.
While in congress I intend to offer a new kind of politics, for people today view conventional party politics with contempt.
I won't hesitate to give credit to the Government when it gets things right. I won't oppose for opposition's sake. People want better than that.
I will expose the Government's failures not with gleeful pleasure at seeing them fail, but because I passionately want things to be better for our fellow-citizens.
I will never place my electoral self-interest before the good of the country. No narrow partisan opportunism for me. I will always tell the truth. I will say it as I see it. If something is true but tough, I won't shrink from saying it. If something can't be done, I will level with the public.
Rigorous honesty, measured criticism, realistic alternatives. Only that way can we revive people's trust in politics. We must look forward not back.I wasn't born into the CSD. I chose it. I chose it because I thought, as I still do, that it offers eCanada its brightest future.
I want the chance now to put what I've learned at the service of this great party so that we in turn can serve this great country. Giving choice to all, not just to those who can afford to buy it.
Running for congress,