C.O.R.E. to the core altogether!

Day 5,396, 04:15 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhem Klink

Members of CORE hear me!

There are some parties that want to abandon eCanada for another country where they will be hailed as elites and gleefully allowed complete, unquestioned control of the host nation lock, stock, and barrel.

I mean, this happens all the time, right?

Other parties may be looking to leave ALL landed countries and live the Life Aquatic.

Ain't no party like an underwater party

But they have made the same error: staying on the surface where the elites control every single movement, thought, and action. Members of CORE I implore you to join me in going underground, deep to the Earth's core. I mean its already in the party's name, amirite?

First part of the master plan: we acquire an enormous drilling contraption.

Old-timey clothing optional. I mean, you gotta wear clothes, just doesn't have to be old timey. Not sure a boring machine is a place for nudity, people. Come on.

I think maybe Home Depot or Peavy Mart has them. Might be able to get a deal on a used one. Anyway, we might need two since the party is too big for one. Or make a couple of trips. Or tow a caravan. We can vote on that. Thing is, we've got options. Ain't no elites gonna tell us how to move 14 people deep to the core of the earth, lemme tell you!

Or, as an option to drilling, we could locate one of those islands that serve as a gateway to the Core. Might take more time to locate said hidden island, but we'd save the upfront costs of buying a drilling thingamajig. With the price of FRM at 0.01cc, we need to watch the bank.

(totally a real island and not a backdrop)

However we choose to get there we all know that the True Elites hide the knowledge that the Earth is hollow.

Not making this up, sadly

Once we punch through the puny outer mantel in our second-hand drilling machine (or via hidden island, your call), we're inside the Earth away from the control of the shameful elites (not to mention the hungry Undead Elites). All we have to do is deal with the natives, but they don't seem all that bad

Swords, fat monsters, and sharp sticks. Seems easy enough to counter

friendly, even

Maybe they'll be willing to join CORE

I got 69.69cc burning a hole in my digital pocket for each member who's willing to Stick-It-to-The-Man (note: NOT Mann551, he's a puppet elite) and relocate to the hollowed out Earth to live as Masters of Their Domain with Party President Kippers as Grand Poobah

We should hail our new surface overlords, Fred

We can work on the title, but the hats stay.
Your hollow Earth paradise awaits!

CORE to the core in '24.
oh, yeah in addition to a sweet rhyme, its gonna take some time to locate a habitable drilling doohickey and/or hidden island gateway. Probably should mention that. The added inflation is why its 69.69cc. I mean these price increases are just crazy. You wouldn't believe what a used drilling rocket-mobile (that sleeps six!) costs.