Bye Guys

Day 696, 22:59 Published in Greece Greece by Anthonios

Hey guys, I'm leaving for Malaysia. It probably won't be permanent, I just want to try something new. A few things are starting to ruin the game for me. I'm starting to get stressed out about something that is... well... a game. My advice to people is don't take it so seriously. Be nice to people. Even if you disagree with them.

I've noticed that Greece isn't and never will be the Greece that I worked for. That I fought against the Turks for. People say to me "Your strength is really low for someone of your eAge" and they wonder why that is so. To sum it up, when the Greeks lost their country, they fled to Pakistan. In Pakistan, the food alone cost more than my paycheck. To keep from eDying, I couldn't train for a little less than a month. My point is, all the new players don't understand what we had to do. They have no respect for what is handed to them, and the reason why it is handed to them.

They want to invade Turkey. No. We had to live long enough under Turkish reign and I don't wish that upon anybody, even the Turks. By invading Turkey, you would be sinking to their level, and there would be a never ending cycle that would just hurt both sides. Greece needs to be the adult in this situation and end a potential cycle of domination.

Also, and I don't hold this against anyone, but I don't speak Greek. It's getting harder and harder for me to communicate in a mostly Greek-speaking place. That's my problem, not yours though. You should be able to speak your native tongue.

It's weird, I've been exclusively eGreek for over 8 months now. Leaving is going to be difficult, and hey, I'll probably come back.
