Buying Elections

Day 1,659, 13:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Gerald Smyth

Alright, like many players here in Eire I was VERY confused on who to vote for this time around.

I really went back and forth on a daily basis. Both candidates have been VERY nice to me and let me make it clear they are both very fit for the presidency.

However, I finally settled on Ethel Rosenberg, do to party allegiance mainly and her Foreign Affairs abilities. So I released this article announcing my Embassy's endorsement. Winston had this to say, to which I comically replie😛

I always enjoy feedback on my articles.

However, I later changed my mind. I decided I was going to pull my article and endorse Winston Smith. I thought I was completely convinced, especially when I received this message:

But then, I got this message:

Now I don't know if this guy is related to the Smith campaign in anyway, but I condemn buying just isn't right.

This angered me and made me reconsider who I was voting for. Now let me restate, both candidates are very well qualified to become our next President. Ethel's foreign policy is wonderful. Yet, I feel Winston Smith's overall persona would be better. Now I know, I'm a part of it but, I call out to the IPP/ISP/ICA regime: we've got to work together to save Eire. Unity is the only policy. And I know this what we need. Bipartisanship is key to peace and prosperity for our nation. Friendship is what we need. A coalition between all of the political parties is required in order to make Eire a better place in the eWorld. And to get this back to me, this is why I am running for Party President of the Irish Socialist Party. I'm running on the ideal of friendship and unity. Every Progressive, Labour and Socialist must work together to help our nation. Cross the party lines and wake up. The same coalition has ruled Ireland for awhile now and I haven't seen that change, now I'm part of that coalition. But I'm not here for my own self advancement. I'm here for Ireland. Let's make it less about parties and more about Ireland.

Gerald "Greg" Smyth
Chief Executive of the Over-Political Irish Embassy in Ukraine