Businesses and Citizens (please look)

Day 324, 15:18 Published in USA Croatia by logomaster304


I am the new Director of Business Affairs and I have pretty much created this article for all the new Businesses that are having trouble finding Employees or want more employees to find employees and also to help Citizens looking for jobs to get a job.

so if you own a business and are looking for employees then you can either post here or send me a message and I will put you on the list to help your company get more employees. Please come forward even if you aren't really looking for Employees but would be willing to help out new citizens by jiving them jobs

Also if you are a citizen looking to get a job then please post here or send me a message and I will try to find you the best job I can.

Houses of the West - Housing - only Skills 2 and above
RedCross - Hospital - 2USD per skill. - Regular raises and gift bombs

Thank you,
Director of Business Affairs