Business Opportunity For Y'all

Day 762, 00:09 Published in South Africa Romania by Lutan Fyah

ePoland has recently orchestrated a massive baby-boom (a sudden and huge increase in new citizens for those of you who’ve been living in a cave or are new to the game). Quite frankly, this increase was so dramatic that it took the ePolish administration by surprise apparently. I think ePoland is one of the few countries in eRep(if not the only one) where demand is currently higher than the offer.

Basically what I’m trying to point out is that their market would be more than able to support our over-producing q1 Food industry and, in a few weeks’ time probably, the need for cheap weapons will also arise.

Now, I’m no economist, but from what I’ve been hearing around here, some of eS.A’s markets aren’t doing so great because of the low demand for some products. So why not make a profit and help another eNation while you’re at it.

I’ve no idea if a government subsidy for licenses in ePoland is a feasible idea, but hey, I’m just throwing out ideas out here.
