Buntak's Survival Guide

Day 950, 12:02 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund

Dear Readers,

Well, it seems that this elections result was real disappointment to all eMalaysia, and especially to DPP. But still, as the wise words of the sage poet goes:
“I get knocked, but I get up again.. aint nothing gonna keep me down!”
We at DPP are going to continue to bring you interesting and useful articles. Today we would like to introduce you to the wise Buntak Dayung Bluesavvy, who has written a brief but concise guide to survival for newbies. As a jungle survivor, he has slashed his way through many a thick bush and bitten many a tiger tail. He has also manage to win a seat in Congress, and will be one of DPP’s few representatives there this term.
Thanks for this article, Buntak!

(Buntak, surviving the tough jungle terrain)

Buntak’s Survival Guide

So you come here and feel hopeless? No worry, heres a few tips to survive this eWorld, what to do and what not to do

heres a few trouble you may, "encounter"

1. my wellness is low
The most important thing is to keep high wellness, and lets say your wellness is, say, under 40?

DO NOT buy a wellness box
this things just burns you gold, not to mention not really worth it


Be smart, buy high quality food, and gifts
These are much cheaper, get your money by selling them gold you got, which you gain from treasure maps when you got to level 6, or in long term, an achievement.
with this money, buy 10 gift, or less, donate it to Social Office and DONT FORGET TO PM THEM to tell that you need them to offer it to you. so, lets say your wellness is 36.94. in 6 days, it'll be 90.94, with the work and training done
cant trust the Social Office? get your own organization. donate it to your organization then offer it back to yourself

(Many citizens suffer form low wellness due to serious war injuries, often due to fighting in states where there is no access to hospital or fighting more seriously than the hospital can handle)

2. this game is slow
if you want to level up quick, do something, legally and dont just be a zombie

DO NOT be a two clicker, its boring and i've been there,


DO something fun, get involve in the national forum, publish an article, get into the politic world or better yet start a company and be rich. contribute to our society

(Citizens infected by the Zombie virus are only able to work, train and fight the occasional war as a Zombie grunt.. try and avoid this sad fate)

3. i need gold
sure, dont every one want that. but theres a lot of good and bad way to gain that

DO NOT create another account just to get the gold, you might get a permanent ban for that. Dont buy it either, unless you are super rich

(Don’t be a clone… these guys tried it and it didn’t work out so well for them in the end..)


Archive something, be a super soldier, a hard worker, a congressman. better yet, a president. for every achievement you got you'll receive a treasure map. more fun? promote your friends to join you here, remember, every gold they get, 10% goes to you. better yet? start a company

thats all for now

Writer: Buntak
Introduction, photos and ridiculous captions: Mr. Aleph