Bulgaria Counter-Attack and Greece Situation

Day 1,858, 13:05 Published in Saudi Arabia Brazil by Gustav IV

After the bonus edition let's return with our normal schedule.

Bulgaria Counter-Attack

After almost be erased of Egypt Bulgaria started a counter-attack trying to conquer Red Sea Cost, at the same time Egypt try to liberate his regions with RW's.

If Bulgaria conquer Red Sea Cost we need to think, they will continue to attack Cyprus or they will propose Turkey as NE to catch the greeks.

Cyprus or Turkey (Greece)?

Greece Situation

Probably you don't know but Greece is here because their original regions were conquered by: Serbia and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).

The greeks are trying to liberate their original regions by RW's, Croatia and BiH wich are Greece allies and closest countries, are erased (Crotia changed the Capital to India) so they can't help Greece, as we see the greeks will need wait some days to return to home.

serbian and macedoniam are visiting the anciente greek cities

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Gustav IV