Building Infrastructure "food security"

Day 546, 11:24 Published in India India by S M Nair

The development gained by India in such a short period is phenomenal, Indian government was able to build a Q5 hospital in our region, and the ministries have educated the citizens how to improve their health through "WAR GAMES" . But as our national policy at present is not to engage in hostilty with any country. war games cannot last for ever. Once we attain a high wellness level Indians have to strive to maintain the level.

Primary needs of our nation is Q3 and above food at affordable rates..

And in long run good housing.. Many Indian companies are already working toward this successfully.

As far as food is concerned the primary problem we face is the lack of raw materials, the demand for Q3 and above food is very high and hence the prices too...

Soon we will face a situation when the economy will not be able to sustain itself.

India should seriously consider acquiring high resource territory at least in food grain production.