Brought to You By the Letter B

Day 948, 20:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

I'm stunned! Stunned! 17 votes? Thank you! I've never had that many in a Congressional election before. I was definitely not expecting that.

So far this next Congressional Term is shaping up to be one of our more interesting terms on record. On the Military front we have Poland marching across Brits. We are landswapping with our Bros and the biggest bonus....


Never mind it only happed after our MPP's were taken out by the Canadian landswap. We always knew that the Brits were opportunists willing to sell their own Queen Mother to the highest bidder if it meant they would get ahead.

Despite the Mommy issues and their struggles with impotence, they finally managed to find the correct button to push. Good for you, Brits!

You are learning "B" words quite well. First it was "balls" then it was "button" and now we will teach you another "B" word.


We are making progress. It fills my heart with such joy to see it. 🙂 For now.....

Thalla a chluiche le do deideagan.

I'll translate: Go play with your toys.

Soon, we will teach you the next lesson. 😉

For a United Ireland!

Edana Savage
Teachta Dala of Cork and Kerry
Co Minister of New Citizens