Brothers Torn Apart by War

Day 520, 17:31 Published in Serbia Greece by Che Greco

According to the latest developments, Serbia was inducted to the PEACE alliance along with our archenemy Turkey and the once-neutral Thailand.

Greeks were devastated by the news, even though everyone knew it was coming. Very few cultures have more common ties than Greeks and Serbians. The close bond between our nations is evident beyond our borders; across the globe Greeks and Serbians gather in foreign lands and forge strong relations. Unfortunately, with eGreece's induction into ATLANTIS and eSerbia's induction into PEACE we are forced to be on opposite sides of the aisle, due to the unfortunate circumstances involving both our nations.

But first a brief history on eGreece's experience with PEACE. Once upon a time, eGreece was also a part of PEACE but was betrayed when the alliance allowed Turkey to invade our nation. Also, unlike Serbia, eGreece was left with zero territories for some time. We were forced to live under Turkish occupation without any land to call our own. Following our successful RW in Thrace we became passive members of ATLANTIS. The ironic thing is that eIsrael also became a passive member of ATLANTIS only to betray us when a second uprise occurred in Macedonia last week, while our eSerbian brothers were more than willing, but unfortunately unable, to come to eGreece and help us fight for our freedom.

While I understand our Serbian brothers' necessity to join PEACE, I will ask them to be aware of PEACE's intentions as they can be betrayed just as we were. But should this be the case (and I hope it is not) Greeks will be there, just like we have been throughout the centuries!