BroodRoosterNL for President

Day 1,316, 07:44 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

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The national eIndian chat can be found by joining #India on the Rizon channel or by clicking on Chat Room on the national forums. Activity is the key to a better eIndia! ++

So far 9 people have logged in to tell the world that they're aktive for eIndia! Are you aktive too? Sign in on the forums and drop a message in the Aktive Association's thread (you can find it under eRepublik Introductions on top of the main page!)

Are you a new player? Don't you have any Gold to spend on a newspaper? Are you an eIndian citizen willing to start up an active newspaper? Then you should message me and I will help you with the funds and advice that you need to start up your very own news agency!

My fellow eIndians, it's time for our beloved nation to step into the future and for that reason, I have decided to run for the position of President of eIndia. After a good conversation with our current IU Party president Rahul K and several friends I am going to try to win the presidential elections in July.

That's right, I have not made this decision all by myself. Yes I came up with the idea but I knew I was never going to run unless I had the support of some of my closest friends in this nation and thankfully they agreed that I should run. Obviously, before I tell you that you shoud vote for me, I need to explain to you why you should vote for me and that's exactly what I will do.

My first and most important goal is to make eIndia an active nation again. Right now we have a group of people who are skilled and know what to do and together with them there are new people who just joined the game and are looking for some fun. But even though this group is pretty big compared to how it used to be, eIndia doesn't really have the activity that should come with such a big group. As you may have noticed, I have started something called the Aktive Association and as the name says it's there to make people active. As presidente of India I will not abuse my power to make this Association powerful, but I will try to make it a known name around here and by doing so getting more people active.
And not only will I try to make our Media and citizens more active, but another goal of mine is to have our population grow through a BabyBoom. In the many months I have been in this country, I have witnessed a few baby booms, some more successful than others. But while the real big bang never happened, I think that right now we have the knowledge we need to start a successful BabyBoom. The only thing that we will need is cooperation of lots of eIndians so that we can make this a huge success together!

Next to that eIndia should be looking for battles, right now we have our Training Wars of course, but they are not nearly as exciting as real wars. I'm not saying that we should immediately attack someone because we just want battles, but I think that we should have an open mind towards joining battles somewhere in this New World either through the regular IAF forces or by using the AHF. This way our less experienced soldiers will gain their minutes on the battlefield and find out what to do and what not to do and they will of course upgrade their statistics and become more powerful so that hopefully in the future, eIndia will be a force of real strenght.

The last thing that I discussed together with some people, is that eIndia should have a more long term plan and by saying that I do not mean that our country should be ruled by just a single, small group. No! What I mean to say is that eIndia should look to the future and think of what it want's to reach and create plans to actually make it reality in the future. Because right now governments do try to help our nation grow, but because of the lack communication it seems every government is going its own way, not really caring about what earlier governments tried to reach even though they respected those goals. If we can create a plan for the future, we might just be able to move towards our goals easier and faster and so create a stronger eIndia in the end.

This is why I think that you should vote for me in the presidential elections of July. Vote BroodRoosterNL for President. Not because I'm from a specific political party, but because I want the best for eIndia as we all do!

Running for President, July '11