BroodRoosterNL for Congress

Day 1,311, 04:23 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

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I would like to declare that I am running for an India United Congress seat in the state of Orissa. As a Congressman it's your duty to serve eIndia by voting for law proposals, we all know that, but as a Congressman you could do so much more and that's what I'm going to try.

If I get voted into Congress, the first thing I will do is making 20 Gold available for 10 newspapers. These 10 newspapers will be newspapers from new people who are looking to write articles, but who do not have the funds to start their own newspaper. When I look at our media, it's usually the same writers who are active and that group isn't big and next to that half of them don't even write much. In order for our country to become more active we need more eIndians who write articles to keep our media alive. That's why I'll have 20 Gold ready for 10 new and active eIndian newspapers. If you think this could be a good opportunity for you to start writing, please subscribe to my newspaper because if I get elected I'll publish the rules and regulations for this "contest". As I'm not planning to give away 20 Gold for nothing, no I expect the newspapers to really publish stuff, so think carefully if this really is something for you or not.

And my second goal is to get eIndian moving towards the babyboom I spoke off in one of my other articles. If we want to grow we'll need people from outside this game to join our ranks and help us become even stronger. Of course I do not have to be a Congressman in order to do this, but it'll be an extra motivation for me and next to that I'll be an active Congressman, something eIndia really needs!

So vote BroodRoosterNL and I'll try to help new eIndians to create active newspapers and I'll keep working on making the babyboom happen right here in eIndia. Vote Brood!
