BroodRoosterNL's Plans Regarding the Economy

Day 1,318, 04:00 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

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This article will, as the title says, explain my plans with our economy. Right now we're not doing really bad, but it can of course always be better and that's what I'll be working on together with my cabinet.

Governenment Companies
First of all we'll be using our good old companies that are owned by our Government to produce and export Q5 products. This way we will earn money from foreign countries which we can of course exchange for Gold and that way our economy will receive more Gold to spend on important things. In the end Gold still is what keeps the economy in this game running and having more of it is a good thing right now.

Government Loans
Second, I think it's important that our own citizens get the chance to start their own companies and earn their own money while helping our market. So that's why my Government will be giving out loans to people who are looking to start Raw Material companies. This way you will be able to start your own company, while our economy profits from the extra resources, which means that our products can be produced cheaper and everyone will need to spend less on the market which means you have more money left for other things!
These loans will be given out to any eIndian who's looking to start a Raw Material company in eIndia and we'll only ask for 1% interest in return.
For people who are active on our forum, who help in retention plans or expansion plans, these loans will be free of interest. I believe it is only right that these people should be rewarded for their help.

Lower Income Tax
Also, I will propose to lower the income taxes. Right now our Government has a lot of INR left in several accounts and therefor I believe it is only fair that the income taxes are lowered. This way you have more money to spend on what you want, while the Government might earn a little less but doesn't need it as we have more than enough INR in our reserves.

In order to get our country more active and growing, the Government will also be giving compensations to people who work in retention, expansion or mentoring programs. These people will receive 250 INR a week as a reward for their hard work and loyalty. And as extra bonus they can earn 500 INR for every new player they bring into our country who stays alive for a month and is brought to our forums and IRC. This way we'll hopefully stimulate people to get their friends on this game and so have our population grow, which ultimately will result in a stronger eIndia.

New Player Help
And as final plan, the eIndian Government will give 250 INR to every new player so he/she can finish his/her mission. And we'll give an extra 500 INR to every new player who sticks around for at least a month and makes his/her way on to our forums and IRC!

If you have any questions regarding my plans, feel free to comment or PM of course. Lets work together for a good future and a greater eIndia!

Running for President, July '11