Broads, Brad, and Bodybuilders: An Interview With MISCMeatheadMilitia

Day 1,260, 21:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Reactionist
The Background

So about two weeks ago, MISCMeatheadMilitia, a pretty cool guy in his own right, to be fair, hit the four thousand strength mark (IT’S OVER FOUR THOUSAND). He also was whining because nobody ever thought he was important enough to do an interview of. I disagreed and thought it would be a good time, so we did it. If you don’t know who this guy is and don’t care, skip to the outtakes, they are funny enough in their own right.

The Interview

Me: okay, first question: What the hell is the deal with your name?
MMM: haha valid first question as I get asked that question a lot. The big MISC part i wish I could take away, but it represents a group of people who came from a sub section in a bodybuilding forum... The miscellaneous section. Hence my 11 Society Builder Medals. The Meathead Militia part references a core group of people who I consider family within the bodybuilding industry. We call ourselves the Meathead Militia23:22 Reactionist Haha... that is actually a really interesting answer.

Me: How exactly do bodybuilders get involved with a game like eRep?
MMM: Me personally, I strive to squash the stereotype that all nerds/gamers/geeks are scrawny, 4-eyed (which I am) who have terrible social skills haha I'm probably more of a gamer and nerd than 90% of the people who invest their lives in eRep

Me: so how long have you been playing and have you ever quit?
MMM: I have been playing for 550 days...which come to think of it is pretty sad haha I have never quit or gone on hiatus or anything like that. The game itself is too simple, pending on the day, I'll be on eRep a total of 30 minutes, maybe more if I get stuck on IRC. The only people who quit this game are those that either; get bored or took it too seriously, more so on the took the game to serious part. The kind of people who held positions in the government.

Me: so you've seen V1, V2, and V3 right?
MMM: I have been apart of all 3, yes
Me: do you long for the glory days of V1 like some do, and do you shudder to think of V2?
MMM: I think all 3 version suck, but the 1st one had the most promise due to the ability to strategize some. V2 was great on paper, but to ask people to stay on a battle field for 2 hours at a time, moving 1 square every 2 minutes was the worse thing they could have done.

Me: why do you keep coming back?
MMM: Actually come to think of it, I almost quit once, then someone, I can't remember who suggested I join AIRBORNE. If it weren't for that off Kilter crew and our hilarious IRC, I would be long gone.

Me: you are a member of the AIRBORNE!!! how is it being a member of the outlawed Bradree's Bandits?
MMM: honestly, it doesn't feel any different than it did before hand. Why we split is beyond me. So long as we fight for the eUSA and it's allies thats cool with me. Most of the drama happened up top, I'm just a pvt
Me: i did love your articles shortly after the split
MMM: but seriously, I put those articles out mainly because I wanted to make sure we still did recruiting. I talked to a few high ups in the official Militia of the eUSA and told them it wasn't anything personal, but they were trying to steal our recruits just as much as we were trying to steal theirs

Me: 4000 Strength is pretty impressive, do you use Lana?
MMM: I think I've only missed 2 weeks, maybe less of Lana. She treated me very well. V2 is where I missed a lot of my strength opps. I haven't missed a day of training in v3 with the bite sized Frenchman

Me: last serious question: do you have any political/military/economic ambitions in eRep? in short, any goals?
MMM: Politically I have ZERO ambitions, but I would like to see an all Military white house. Economically I'd like to keep my head above water and allow me to purchase Q5 weapons till the day I quit. Military wise I'm looking forward to hitting the 5,000 Strength Mark. That is the only real goal I have

Me: most important question and last question so i stop procrastinating. favorite kind of beer? or liquor if that's your game.
MMM: Well, to man of the people who read this interviews disappointment, I no longer drink. BUT, when I did. Beer was usually my poor man Heineken; Mr. Pabst Blue Ribbon or anything German. When it came to Liquor, that's where I found myself getting in a lot of trouble, I was given the nickname "fish Bowl," because I'd make myself all kinds of liquor only concoctions


Me: I'm actually a frat star myself XD
MMM: oh jeez, you are all a different breed within itself haha

Me [On one of my frat brothers who plays eRep]: and the bastard is trying to get them to join ST6 when i'm sending them to the TC 😛

MMM: haha gotta love the UK, they are probably just pissed about the wedding they just paid for

MMM: propaganda is a fickle whore and I love whores

Me: all military whitehouse? you would love Ireland, its a virtual military dictatorship

MMM: Thank you for this opportunity, I hope it didn't suck. I had a blast
Me: thanks man, this was a good time
MMM: well didn't we just have a semi-homosexual kinda moment just then? No shame in my game
Me: definitely didn't suck. balls didn't touch. it's okay
MMM: meah and even if they did.... out of sight, out of mind

Interested in being interviewed because you're awesome? Message me. It's a ton of fun and you get to become famous.
