British LE Results - Read Now!

Day 305, 04:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Squiddy

So, with many regions already showing a clear winner, these are the current results!

Belfast: PrimeMinister - 2, Siobhan - 5.
Birmingham: Pagan - 1, Irakaz - 2, Chris Kit - 1.
Bristol: Keitarour - 6, DarrellLeon - 2.
Cardiff: Bremer - 5, Graystar - 3.
Edinburgh: JerryGFL - 8, General Douchebag - 2.
Leeds: Alan Hammond - 7.
Liverpool: Pughie - 4, CBall - 2, Galdanistal - 1.
London: Billy Bright - 7, Squiddy 28.
Newcastle: BobBoblo - 5, Malta - 1.
Norwich: Reshev - 2, Happyjoe5 - 1.
Nottingham: Relic - 5, Eadie - 1.
Oxfor😛 Baljet - 13, Erius - 3, Khala - 5.

Some very varied results there, it seems that mayoral positions are being distributed pretty evenly amongst the 3 main parties PCP, TUP and UKRP.

Whilst the current situation may be proving beneficial to one candidate now, always prepare for the unexpected when it comes to mayoral elections!