Brief evaluation of daily challenge

Day 5,253, 10:45 Published in Belgium Belgium by sto kila bazuki

Brief evaluation of daily missions, sorted by difficulty level.
Going to ignore prestige points and will focus solely on activity points.

-Work as employee or manager 1 time (5 activity points)
-Work as employee 2 times (5)
This is pretty easy one, find a job and work. Might require a house which I would say that is relatively easy to get and worker that allows overtime.

-Train 1 time (5)
EZ, no comment

-Consume 1000 Energy (15)
-Spend 250 Energy fighting in the Campaign of the Day or for the Daily Order (10)
-Start 1 Deployment with Weapons of qualities 1 through 7 (5)
Even fresh player can do it.

-Travel (10)
I would say that traveling the shortest distance even if you dont have to travel is advantageous.

-Buy 1 product from the Marketplace (5)
Any product. any price. It is expected for low priced products to sell faster than before. Increased marketplace activity.

-Exchange currency on the Monetary Market 1 time (10)
Any currency, any quantity. At the moment it is highly advised to sell gold as it has reached new relative high.

-Use 3 Fuel to fight in different battles (5)
One gets at least 70 fuel weekly, meaning that one gets to spend 10 daily.

SUM: 75 activity points
-Train using 4 different Training Facilities (10)
-Produce 200 Food (2)
-Produce 20 Weapons (3)
-Produce 10 Food Raw Materials (2)
-Produce 10 Weapons Raw Materials (3)
These require quite some investment to make them viable, however that is not so hard to get.

-Activate Boosters (5)
Boosters are relatively limited resource, one must ensure that they arent used in wasteful manner.

SUM: 25 activity points
-Win Hero Medals (15)
Medals are expected to be more contested from now on, that's why they are in the hard bracket. Early divisions might have it easer however they can also be at risk.

-Launch 1 Bomb or Rocket (10)
Limited resource.

-Produce 1 House Raw Material (5)
-Produce 1 Aircraft Raw Material (5)
-Produce 1 House (15)
-Produce 5 Aircraft Weapons (5)
-Assign 1 Employee in the production process (2)
-Assign 2 Employees in the production process (4)
-Assign 3 Employees in the production process (6)
-Assign 5 Employees in the production process (10)
Following production requires quite some investment and really knowing what you are doing. While one might afford to get an employee even if production isnt as profitable, it is highly advised against it. Without a doubt the face of wage market will change and what was once slight profit will further plunge down.

SUM: 77 activity points

Fresh player is expected to get 60, or 80 points with some investment.
Established player and above is expected to get 100 points.