Breton Boy is Running for President!

Day 863, 10:15 Published in South Korea South Korea by Breton Boy
Yes, thats right folks; I am throwing my hat into the ring of man children and running for the big chair!

'Why? Why are you running and why are you running so late?' you may ask.

The answer is simply that I hate the current candidates so, so, very much. And I love myself, so, so, very much.

At first I was content to let the proto-Japanese natives run their silly favourites and sit back and watch the state collapse.... but then I realized that I had a duty! A duty to the Goons, to our best friends in Nippon, and to our hero Ataturk, to take control of this country and make it shine!

So here I am! My platform:

* We change our country's name to Something is Awful.
* Our flag becomes the same as Greece's because they need to realize how pathetically generic their 'culture' and 'history' is.
* Declare the State Religion to be Juche.
* Nationalize all Industry and ban all forms of currency/capital. From now all we shall all get Ration Cards which can be cashed in at the forum for food. To help this along our currency will be devalued by 6000% over the next week or so.
* Declare FurryPunch a terrorist organization and have their users hunted down to the man and killed.
* Pay 150000 wongdongs, or whatever our currency is, to Japan for keeping Jeju safe from harm and as an apology for resisting their benevolent attempt to occupy and civilize us last year or so.
* Rehabilitate all the Theocrats and put them in high government positions where they can redeem themselves for their past crimes.
* Declare Joesph Stalin as our eternal President.
* Declare the day the Goons arrived here last month as a National Holiday - PTO Day.
* Exile the Sunking for being a really stupid gimmick.
* Ban all future elections. We won't need them after I take charge.

To accomplish these noble endeavours I shall be forming a party and using about 60 multis on a rotating ISP to nudge the electorate in the right direction come Vote Day.

Consider this your final notice proto-Japs, the Goonish Crusade has BEGUN!

" United forever in friendship and labour,
Something is Awful will ever endure.
The great Goonish People will live through the ages.
The dream of a funhouse with fortress secure.

Long live our Goonish Motherland, built by the pubbie's spastic hand.
Long live the Goons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our stolen flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

Through days dark and stormy where Great Kim-Jong Rad led us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above
and Stalin-chan our Leader with faith in the People,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.

Long live our Goonish Motherland, built by the pubbie's spastic hand.
Long live the Goons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our stolen flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

We fought for the future, destroyed the natives,
and brought to our homeland the Laurels of Fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of nations
and all generations will honour my name.

Long live our Goonish Motherland, built by the pubbie's spastic hand.
Long live the Goons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our stolen flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see. "

Oh, and that will be our new National Anthem.

See ya at the polls! 🙂