Brenflakes for SA Senate

Day 674, 20:36 Published in Australia Australia by Brenflakes

Greetings Fellow e-aussies, my name is Brenflakes, and in a few hours, the voting will begin for the next senate, and i'd like to tell you a bit more about myself, and why you should vote for me to represent our great state.

I've been playing e-rep for a few months now, and sitting back and watching how things work, how our country functions on the international stage, and thought it was time to throw my hat into the ring.

The last few senate terms have seen a lot of inactivity, many people just running for the senate to get the medal and the 5 gold that go with it, then doing nothing for the rest of the term. These kind of people do not deserve your vote, as they have their own interests at heart and not the interests of the nation. For starters, if elected i will donate the 5g to an australian charity to help our newer citizens. Secondly, i am active every single day, usually multiple times a day, and I will be voting in the best interests of the nation and its people.

So what i hear you say, you've active and you're going to donate the gold, why else should i vote for you?

Well, I want to help take our nation forwards. the ADSP has done a lot for the country and i would like to help build on that. More hospitals, more war games (which means more XP). Should we take back WA? My personal opinion is yes we should, but only when the time is right.

Eden and WA

As this is a hot topic here in e-aus at the moment, we as a nation should work towards getting the issue resolved as soon as possible, but only with the consensus of the entire nation.

Joining Eden would go a long way to achieve that, but i dont believe war is the only option in getting it back. Us attacking e-indo would be a disaster, they greatly outnumber us in strength and numbers, and declaring war would simply give them an excuse to wipe us from the map again. They are war-mongers hell bent on taking over whatever they can to further pursue their own interests, and as it stands now, we wouldnt have a hope in hell of taking them on single handed. Joining Eden would give us some extra protection in the case of a pre-emptive attack from e-indo, and could possibly help us to get e-indo to honor their original contract to return WA to us. In either case, joining Eden would open up a lot more opportunities to fight, increasing wellness, increasing the productivity of our businesses, and increasing the chances of us being able to buy back the companies in WA, and over time we would get it back.

Nothing worth having comes easy, and this is a turning point in our history, do we stand up and say we wont be bullied, or do we simply sit back and do nothing? To cut to the chase, I support e-aus joining eden, but i do not think we should join Eden and immediatley try and take back WA. All avenues of getting our region back have not been exhausted, and we should continue to try by peaceful methods to get it back. War should only be declared as a last resort. If the continued efforts to regain WA peacefully fail, then i would support an attack on WA, but only if we had the support of Eden to back us up.

Great progress has been made in this area in recent times. Due to the generosity of patti11 (ADSP PP), QLD now has a hospital, and we also have another hospital ready to deploy thanks to the hard work by Xavier Darkmyre (ADSP candidate for NSW, he deserves all the votes he can get as well). I do not believe this hospital should be sold, and it should be deployed as soon as possible. I would support the continuation of the great work by XD and the NMRC, to provide hospitals to our final regions, and then the company could be used to continue building hospitals to provide jobs, and eventually extra income to the country.

This country is growing day by day, stronger, and the only way we should be headed is forwards. So when you go to the polls in a few hours i ask for your vote. I will work hard with my constituents and the senate to further the interests of this great nation, and its people.

Thankyou for your time, and remember to join the e-aus forums at , you can keep up to date and keep all senators accountable for their actions, and have your say in how this country is run.

Brenflakes, ADSP candidate for the South Australian senate.