Breaking with the Clan

Day 880, 16:14 Published in Japan Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

Posted here as well in the national forum,, because I happen to know for a certainty that not all SC are on the forum. I'd also like those parties who will read to take into account the message is not just to SC.

Gentlemen (and ladies) of Scorpion clan, Tetsuya Tameru here.

I feel it is my duty to inform you of my resignation from the party, which was originally for deployment purposes, has become permanent and also to use this as a opportunity to air my greviences against it in the most possibly polite manner possible so that you may attempt to improve should you choose to do so.

Since I joined SC-well, thats not a good way to start I suppose.

WHEN I joined SC, I was brought in under the whole "yeah patriotism! Protect Japan!" image many of us joined with, for indeed much of the recruiting was with the purpose of protecting Japan regardless of being popular or not in light of the recent PTO attempt. Essentially, and though I hate to use the term, you "aquired" control of a party in a manner not deemed fit by others in the nation. Although that is not the problem, I had no problems with taking over a majority dead party, although this is a reason I thought people in our own nation disliked us.

It turned out I was wrong. I came to discover from my own Real-life friends playing this game, that we were hated on a national level. once again, surprisingly, I did not have a problem with this. I had heard Goku's "japan will hate us for the good we do...&quot😢paraphrase) speech and I was sold on it. What I came to discover myself however, was a lesson I found most appalling. SC, the party I had joined and participated in was disliked not primarily for our method of coming into being, nor our recruiting policy of PMing in the initial forming, but because SC members seem to have/had(?) a nasty tendency to participate in flame wars on quite literally...EVERY...SINGLE...LEVEL...of communication within our great nation to the point where I actually find these hostilities detrimental to any progress whatsoever.

I found this firsthand in the most benign of debates, where this was not even a remote on topic part of discussion. Later, such flame wars appeared within the SC forum sub-board itself. Resolution of the flame wars has been practically nil, and although some form of a tentaive Ceasefire-by-estoppel has been established with the rest of the forum, a large amount of hostility still remains beneath the surface on both sides(this knowledge aquired from talking to members on both sides of "Us vs them" and other war threads). I have also borne witness to open hostilities in newspapers, IRC, and also general ads, that I was able to do so is unnacceptable.

I will not say that such hostilites could not have been avoided, and I will not say which sides created the conflict, nor justify either side. In fact, I'd absolutely LOVE for the readers of this, because i know it wont just be SC, to in general be able to comment on this if they so choose without a single drop of mud being slung against another. Be civil. I feel that I cannot approve of the actions nor mentality of either side, although I will confess I hold bias against my own former party as I have yet to find three consistently polite members within it. All these things(Drama hurricane) have brought me further away from the feeling of patriotism and altruism I felt when I first joined, and quite simply I do not see me remaining in this party as having any point.

The ninja thing was cool, but you SC guys are also way too ninja. THe last post to appear on the SC forums was by Ramp on the 14th(I prompted him via IRC to post in the roster thread, "oh boy a post!&quot😉. Before then, the last post was on the 8th. Beyond the flaming, the primary reason for leaving is sheer inactivity.

The ninja thing is cool, keep recruiting "ninja's" if you so choose. Ninja's are cool, and invisible and powerful. You guys are so ninja hidden, I cant even find you in your own section. You didnt replace the inactive Sumo, you became them.

I'd love to say it was fun, and honestly, it first. but not anymore.
Arigato Gozaimasu for your time, and your company, and it was still a pleasure to meet you although we part on less than Ideal terms. I hope to see you guys to great things, even if they are without me.
