Breaking the circle

Day 835, 14:30 Published in Belgium Belgium by Rithulme
My dear friends,

There are still many dangers that threaten eBelgium, and many obstacles in the way. But for the first time the manipulation from outside our precious nation can be stopped. The reason this manipulation persisted in the past was the fear from two alliances, the fear that the other alliance would take over Belgium. In order to prevent that, they supported a status quo and stole the eBelgian right on democracy. For the next presidential elections there has been a decision to break this endless circle. When you check the candidate list you will notice it is quite short, that’s because some of the important parties decided not to run a candidate to show they are not interested in controlling this country. In my opinion Elynea is THE neutral candidate silently supported by most of the parties. I have bad experiences with agreements before the elections and I think it destroys democracy. But this time the ‘agreement’ is such an important step I cannot disagree with it, I would like to repeat that I believe this is a very fair and brave move from the Free Belgium party.

I hope our next government will be a special one, full of active players that will take a big step to getting this country back on its tracks. Maybe the president should even consider to start with a smaller cabinet that has only very active people instead of a big one where some people don’t really add anything useful. But of course this is his/her decision.

Something else that disturbs me is the recent vote in the eNL where they outed the idea to invade our country, that was really a slap in the face for the free eBelgian people and I hope someone in the government of the eNetherlands will offer an apology for this. I’m not afraid of an invasion thou, the current game situation doesn’t allow that because the moment eNL declares war on us they will be wiped of the map in days by their other neighbors. And that would be exactly what they deserved for their stupidity.

To conclude this article I would like to give my late farewell to manong. I disagreed with you many times in my short existence thou I never really had a chance to confront you with it because afterwards your decisions appeared quite good and wise. Something I maybe should have expected from an experienced player like you. I’m also sad that you last days here were tainted by much criticism on you personal which was something you didn’t deserve. Best of luck in whatever you do.

For a Free and neutral eBelgium!!