Breaking News: The Wicked Witch from the West is Dead!

Day 883, 09:02 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

Breaking News Update:

So it seems that our favorite troll and Minister of Foreign Affairs for Indonesia, is dead. If you take a look here, you can see for yourself as to why he is dead.

Ostin has been banned due to creating/administering multiple accounts. This is turning out to be the number 1 reason why people are banned these days. So, to all of you multi's out there, now is the time to choose one account, and stick with only that one.

Why is Ostin an Important Figure?

Ostin is a Media Mogul and an Icon for eIndonesia and Phoenix. He constantly writes uplifting articles for Phoenix and troll articles against EDEN and SoL. He has been in the eIndonesian administration for several months now. He has 7000+ friends and adds new players to help them succeed. He also ran the Depsos (Department for Social Affairs in eIndonesia) for a month which used to gift newbies gifts so that they work at good health. He is very important to Indonesia's success, and he even claimed that eIndonesia was making a comeback as seen here in this article.

It seems that eIndonesia's progress will be halted now, and their empire comeback will have to wait a little bit longer. Ostin was the fuel that lit the fire. He was one of those guys that could rally up a bunch of dying troops, and get them to fight off a thousand more soldiers. This is a great loss for the community of eIndonesia.

What you can do?

Yeah, i may not be a Phoenix advocate. But i do believe in fair play. You can sign an unban petition for the Admins to give an explanation on the ban. Take a look at this article to see what eIndonesian's are doing.

That's all for now! This has been another Breaking News Update.
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Marcus Patterson
Ambassador to eVenezuela
Invest in PHC on the ERX!