Breaking News | Mocoman14 Proposes Impeachment of President MK

Day 1,244, 09:20 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

LUZON - This just in! Philippine Congressman Mocoman14 has just proposed the impeachment of President Myung Kei.

"I didn't want to propose it," claimed Mocoman, however. "I tought there will [be] something like: Are you sure you want propose this law?"

In earshot of Mocoman, Congressman and incoming BAYAN MUNA party president Sigurd Aasen responded, "I accidentally voted yes."

To which Philippine ambassador to Japan Swagger McSwag responded, "This is going to The Outsider."

As of press time, the vote on the proposal currently stands 3-1 in favor of impeachment.

"What is this, I'm 12 and I don't even? Since I'm on the news I'd also like to give a holla out to all my folks!", added Rep. Aasen when asked for a statement.

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