Breaking News : Malay Messe

Day 1,343, 04:55 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by b o n c o s

Last war in Penisular i can accept it.. but the war at Sarawak is really a mistake Singapore, I am against outsiders who interrupt the peace in Sarawak. This is my place.. I won't let you own anything here.. You just change my point of view eSingaporian...

there people are polite and nice to tourist.. but if you touch his land, you will have the scariest nightmare ever..

Look tame, but wait till he gets his grandparent spirits..

They have great history of fighting colonizer.. they won't hesitate to grab a gun and fight for their dignity..

with the spirit of guardians of South Sea Water, we are fight for our right and Temasik will be punish of their greediness

Singapore are winning because of their allies.. just look at their army.. What a shame..

Imported army?? are you kidding me? can't you find your own strength?

What is this?? your girlfriend carry your army bag??? LoL singaporean..

Specially Regards