Breaking News: Conservative Victory Party President a Hypocrite?

Day 633, 11:10 Published in USA USA by Angelini

In not so shocking fashion, Ajay Bruno announced yesterday and confirmed today that he is attempting to PTO the real Conservative Party. This has also been confirmed through multiple anonymous sources over the last two days. He claims he has "dispatched" former Conservative Party President and now Conservative Victory Party member Ron Paul to win the CvP election. Looking at the candidate list for th eCvP confirms that Ron Paul is indeed running for CvP President.

So this action now begs the question, what the heck is Ajay doing? His latest article today calls for his party to crush the PTO being attempted on his party. He has spent the past two weeks churning out article after article declaring his outrage that anyone would attempt to PTO another party in the eUS. How can he justify attempting to PTO another party?

The answer is, he can not. Ajay is once again showing his true colors. He is showing himself for the great hypocrite that he is.

I urge everyone in the CvVP to take pause and give some serious consideration to who you vote for tomorrow. If you honestly feel that Jaxon is a PTO, vote for Stiles. Stiles has put a lot of legitimate and honorable work into the CvVp. He is a level headed person that can work with other party leaders. Both Jaxon and Stiles are there to work for YOU and the betterment of the PARTY. The do not want to use the party as a vehicle to gaining more power for themselves.