BREAKING NEWS – Announcing the Coalition of the Free (CoF)

Day 945, 11:04 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund
BREAKING NEWS – Announcing the alliance of DPP and PAFP under the Coalition of the Free (CoF)

A joint message from the Democratic People's Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, Pakatan Rakyat and the Hypnotoad Party

Recent events have made it necessary that we put aside minor differences and unite together as one Coalition of the Free (CoF).
In the name of liberty, progress and equality, we agree to work together to achieving the following goals:

1) Vanquishing the threat of Boris, the PTOers, and their allies
2) Fighting Corruption and apathy in the government, and pushing forward more reforms in Congress and the drafting of Constitutional Law as a safeguard to liberty and to encourage
3) Stop the Zombification of eMalaysia by creating more fun and activity in the media the forum, as well as pushing for more participation by average citizens in our political institutions

In simple words, we stand united against THIS:

(Borissajkas, in foreground, about to beat up a few innocent monks in the Djozikeist Church of Malaysa)


(See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil .. how long can we carry on ignoring apathy and corruption in government and Congress?)


(The state of the nation?)

Join us in the fight for a freer, more fun eMalaysia!
Join the Coalition of the Free and become a Street Freedom Fighter!