Breadmine collapses in China: thousands dead and hundreds missing

Day 516, 14:25 Published in China Czech Republic by Comrade Ral
Daqing, China - The warning signs were apparent but Imperial fascist Chinese government ignored it. One of the major breadmines in Daqing collapsed today. Ensuing from the chaos, the surrounding cities in the region suffered massive land thunders which caused an untold amount of damage.

All over the region, there are survivors looking to see their separated family and loved ones. "This would never happened if we stuck to the ideals of socialism and the tenants of Juche like our Korean brothers!" Said a survivor who was trying to look for her child. She was one of the many survivors who understood who was to blame: The Chinese government.

Incompetence was a key tenant of the current Chinese administration. The rescue efforts were attempted by the Chinese military, however, the survivors had to fend for themselves. The government incompetence due to its policy of Corporate Fascism had destroyed the once great Peoples' Liberation Army. The army was just the guard dogs of Capitalism. They do not serve the peoples' struggle of a world free from Imperialism but embrace.

This is in stark contrast to the recently stolen regions of the Holy Empire of Korea by the Capitalists. Through the adoption of the ideals of Juche, there had never been a breadmine collapsed. The displaced Koreans would take it as their duty to feed their Chinese brothers. However, we have plenty of bread to feed our brothers.

The reason for our productivity is that we stuck to the ideals of Juche and Songun. We have remained faithful for Glorious Leader and not forgotten we are the people of Chosun! If China is to survive, they need to follow the prime example of socialism: Dear Leader. He will guide the Chinese from the darkness that the Capitalists had performed. So, China, vote for the only party that will fight for your rights to serve Glorious Leader! Vote for Juchebox party and finally liberate the workers from the shackles of bourgeoisie oppression.

Long Live Glorious Leader! Long Live Workers' Party of Korea!