Brazil - This is where they prove whether they're allies or not.

Day 1,308, 17:11 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rico Suave

As many of you may have noticed Northern Cape was RW'd back to us yesterday.
This means that eSA will be forced, by contract, to give NC back to Brazil through war.

Consider the following:

- RW was started and fought by outside forces
- eSouth African military was deployed to fight for Brazil
- eSouth African MoD directives were for civilians to go fight for Brazil
- The President and other high ranking eSA officials made several shouts about fighting for Brazil

There was no way eSA could have stopped this, and Brazil knows it.

Now if they really are allies they wouldn't force us to drop all our MPP's just so they could have NC back, would they? No, a true ally would recognize the fact that these events cannot be blamed on the eSouth African government and that the cost of correcting this "breach of contract" is far greater than that of having Northern Cape remaining in the hands of an ally.

Oh, I spent tremendous amounts of food and Q5's fighting for the resistance. But I'm a civilian and in no way connected to the government.