Brainstorming about new features

Day 1,379, 11:53 Published in Serbia Serbia by unistavac

Hi again, since my last article received so much attention I decided to write another one with few more ideas about improving Erepublik. This will be my last article about that subject I promised. 🙂

A) Contracts

Trading thorough donations bring certain risk to both players, who will send first... you money or he tanks for example. With this feature it's pretty simple you will offer other player certain amount of item's for certain price and if he accept that trade will be finalized. No player will have both items and money at the same time.

😎 Lock Button

This button would allow you to lock certain items and use them later. For example you what to save some of your tanks for some major battle few hours later, or you want to spend Q1 bread first because he take too much room in your storage.

C) Reject button

Reject button for citizenship. Reason ? Some players are inactive, dead or permanently banned. Or some players want to hurt your economy.
It would be great if every congressman could both approve or reject 10 citizenship.

D) Levels rewards

My thoughts is that almost everybody hate small rewards for level up. Because of the new system witch allow you to fight 24h a day you can't expected to have 5 G on every level. But 1G is way too little especially after 25 level when you really need to wait for next level. So 0-19 1G, 20-29 2G 30-39 3G and so on... would be much better in my own opinion.

E) Rankings

Bring back rankings. It was very nice feature, and it would be even better if you could improve it. For example you can search people by their ranking points, xp, strength. You can also give info about military units. In few words more statistics data.

F) Avatars

Presidents and Congressman's could have something around their avatars, or on them so people would know they are actual Presidents and Congressmans. In this photo I put red and green square around them but it could be something else as well.

G) World Map

It would be better if new wars could be visible on the map faster. And that for regions info you don't need to click on that regions, but just put your cursor over it. In this case you can see much faster things that interest you.

H) New weapon

This is just a thought because I know that would required some serious reorganization of the game. But for me it would be fun to see fighter plane, you have rifles, tanks why not ?

Other ideas

-Possibility to send IGM to all of your staff.

-Happy hour for Bazooka parts This idea will also work in eRepublik. Admins can organize happy hours actions (once per day or once per week for example). In this period players and soldiers at the war can get more parts for their bazooka. (By Hoffman12)

Read my previous article for more ideas.