Brain Tasty Weapons Q2 face angajari! - Brain Tasty Weapons Q2 needs employees!

Day 312, 08:07 Published in Romania Romania by elena.coman
[limba romana]

[a url=]Brain - Tasty Weapons Q2[/a] face angajari.. Fiind o companie de q2, conditia principala este aceea de a avea skill mai mare decat 2, in acest domeniu.

Nu se accepta 3 zile consecutive absentate nemotivat, de la lucru.
Pentru orice invoire, va rog sa ma contactati pe pm, (userul elena.coman).

Si pentru ca ne dorim ca angajatii nostri sa se simta bine, atat la locul de munca, cat si in ambientul propriei case, ne angajam in ajutorarea angajatilor care au wellness mai mic de 80%, in momentul angajarii.

Compania Tasty Weapons Q2, membra a grupului de firme BrainStorming, doreste sa revina pe piata cu cele mai bune preturi la arme. Ne vom orienta spre oameni si nevoile acestora, ajutandu-ne sa crestem impreuna.

Cei interesati, sunt rugati sa posteze un comentariu aici, sa imi trimita un mesaj personal pe userul elena.coman si sa isi depuna CV-ul public.

Multumesc pentru atentia acordata si timpul petrecut alaturi de acest articol. 😛

Va doresc un weekend placut alaturi de cei dragi!

Nu uitati sa dati un vot si subscribe!

[english version]

[a url=]Brain - Tasty Weapons Q2[/a] needs employees. As a q2 company, the main condition is to have a skill greater than 2.00 in this domain.

There are not allowed 3 consecutive days, unfounded absent, at work. For any invoice, please contact me by pm (elena.coman user).

And because we want our employees to feel good, so at workspace, and in it's own house ambient, we engage in helping employees who have wellness less than 80%, in the moment of the employment.

If you're interested in becoming a member of our Company, please post a comment here, send me a pm at elena.coman and post public your CV.

Thank you for your time!

Wish you a great weekend along with the loved ones.

Cu respect,
[With respect,]
Elena Coman.