Br0ad & Pred Drunk On Power : Goes On Rampage

Day 556, 21:06 Published in Australia Ukraine by Australian Warlord

In seperate incidences last night, Br0adside & Preditorian went on power fuelled rampages in disgraceful acts on abuse of power.

Incidence 1 : Some of you will know that Able Kane opposes the reallotting of the vacated eNSW seat to ANP. Kane made the mistake of saying so in a discussion on the chat channel. Br0ad decided that noone would be permitted to express a opinion contrary to his own & immediately used admin privilages to place a full administrative block against Kane. Br0ad's actions even outraged several supporters of the proposal including Srg91. Br0ad then threatened to placed a admin block against Srg91 who responded by dareing Br0ad to ban him as well.

Of course Br0ad hadn't finished for the night. Rather he was just starting.

(Br0ad fully publicly reveiled the congress topic that the following relates to however I'm not going to repeat the disclosure here)

Incidence 2.1 : Late yesterday afternoon a new congress topic came up which would massively increase the costs of certain things to eAustralia (we're talking potentially about 800-1000 eGold with nothing in return).

I made the comment that the proposal would massively increase the costs to eAustralia with zero benefit to eAustralia. I continued by saying that some congress members oppose the item already under agreement argueing that it's too costly & the only reason why these people would vote for this new amended proposal is if they wanted to sabotage the item in question.

Pred is one of the people that oppose the item in question succeeding. He responded by issuing a official warning against myself & threatening a ban against myself.

Incidence 2.2 : Back to Br0ad. Fresh from his attack & banning of Kane, Br0ad was in a mood to mouth off. Of course there's hardly a session where I'm not going to be attacked. Br0ad decided to talk all about the congress topic in question, revealing the details of the topic as well as Pred's threats. Then Br0ad said something extraordinary.

Br0ad revealed that a group of congress members have bets in how quickly they can get certain new members kicked from the congress (including myself). Br0ad revealled the depths that these people will go to get rid of 'undesirables' from congress.

Update Incidence 2.3 : Pred has placed a temp ban against myself from the forum congress & has threatened to place a permanent ban against myself in a despicable attack against democracy in eAustralia