BOREDOM of The Nation: A Treatise

Day 679, 20:23 Published in Australia Ireland by Lord Rhindon

Most publishers strive to bring new information to your attention. Ha. Well, I'm going to flash some old news. And something you've known for a long while.

This nation is bloody boring.

What would you say?

There's absolutely, 100%, no doubt about it. Like the real-life society, in which a good majority many of us live...we're armchair people. Whatever goes. "Aw she'll be right, mate." We've got Prime Ministers passing the hot potato like nobody's business. A drab, colourless Senate election of procedure and protocol. Predictable Congress proposals...look another transfer to the National Bank...who would have guessed? And of course, we've got our beer and a few activities that constitutes a whopping full day of exciting two-clicking.


Perhaps we like the idea of being stuck in a rut? That's alot of fun.
Or perhaps its a government conspiracy involving the dissemination of sleeping pills? Hmm.
What about...a lack of spirit? National Pride. Patriotism. Courage.

Its easy to slip into fully blown conservatism. Change is looked upon suspiciously, status quo is the path of least resistance, and this illusion of comfort becomes set in stone. Grey, insipid, banal stone.

Sorry, but none of that inspires life and activity.

Here's a reminder.

eRepublik is a Game.

This is not real life, our actions here do not amount to the same real life consequences. This is the very essence of a game. This is why we play the game. It gives us a "break from the real life" some put it (the nerds).

That being said, we are not to become dim-witted eEpicureans, bent solely upon fabricating 'fun' for mere entertainment purposes...disregarding completely the in-game consequences (for they are still present, and many in number) of such actions.

There is a balance.

There's a time be firm, rational, consistent, cautious.
But there's a time to stir the pot, and let all hell loose.

A balance.

That we apparently don't understand, as we've weighed all our stones on one side. That same grey, insipid, banal stone. That threatens to weary us all into oblivion with its tear-inducing boredom.

Roughly 100 actives pretty much run the show. - Ezekiel Thomas
We've settled on a boring, uninteresting existence. - Cottus Arci

And I say,

Get your act together, and grow some REAL stones, eAustralia.
Our politics desperately needs a breath of life.

The cogs need their greasing, lest they cease turning.
Its time to throw something in the works.

Lord Rhindon
Former Senator of Queensland (True Blue Party)
Publisher of The Southern Cross
Publisher of Rhindon's Rationality
Award Winning Writer
Aficionado of Fine Wines
Former Irish Politician