Boredom and Insanity

Day 767, 09:18 Published in USA USA by Tetradecagon

Is there a mobile version of eRepublik (i.e. can we "2-button" the game from our mobile phone connections)?

It is the Christmas season: I would like to spend this time with my family, which would be simple if the Headless Chicken did not pop up every time I tried to activate an in-game event (e.g., Training, Buying Food, Working, etc.) I cannot spend all day at the computer, waiting for tech to work out the bugs nor will I push the same button twice to repeat the "Oops!" chicken page. (Rea😛 Einstein's definition of insanity.)

I would like to log in to my phone, so that I can maintain a steady work flow and earn that precious Gold.

If I miss a single day of work, this game is over. Sorry, I will not beat my head against the wall, plodding through another month without much cheddar.