Boomer Bugle Hath Bugled its Last Note

Day 485, 15:34 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

Alright folks I'd love to give you a nice big elaborate introduction in 19th century prose like I did for the Bugle, but I'm just far too quagmired for that. While the Boomer spirit still lives strong in me, I feel as though both I and my journalism have moved beyond the fleeting novelty of being eborn within a certain time frame. So I'm moving the name of the newspaper down a letter of the alphabet and enlarging the collective cup-size of my paper's boobs. The BB is now the CC!

From now on my paper will be known as The Canadian Conduit. I hope to be your channel for Canadian news, and on the horrors of old women fighting with cork-pump pistols.

Thank you very much to all my subscribers. You've always come to the Bugle for carefully constructed journalism of perfect grammar that is completely devoid of spelling mistakes and spoonerisms - for this I tremend your support appreciously.

Keep an eye out for the exclusive biography of David Eastcorner which should be published in the next couple weeks.

Lastly, a special thanks to RoyMunson for AGAIN providing the logo for the paper.

Thanks for reading!