Boom boom baby boom

Day 816, 15:33 Published in Australia Australia by Spazicus

My dearest eAussies,

An idea just struck me. Perhaps not an original one but an important one none the less. If there is one country Aussies like to pick on more than New Zealand it's the UK. We like to remind those poms how we can beat them at basically every sport they ever invented. We like to tease them about the inclement weather, laugh at their pasty white skins and so on.

We LOVE to hate the poms. Even though this animosity may not be 100% real, in that the UK is traditionally our closest friend and ally, this could be a useful tool in a babyboom. I know I for one would join sign up for a free internet game where we were about to invade England.

eRep has traditionally been a hard game to sell friends, it's not aesy to get people addicted to a game where they can't really do anything for the first week of playing, but if we tell these new players that we are building our strength along with the rest of EDEN for our final push into London, perhaps we could get a few more players.

We wouldn't even need to do anything big either. Just get every active citizen to post their referall link as their facebook status:

Help your fellow Australians to beat the English:

Or something similar should be enough.

Maybe some of your friends might join and leave straight away, but hopefully a couple will hang around till they can start fighting. Not only will they help us win battles but you'll get 5 gold for brining a new player into eRep.

Even if this only brings 20 new active players, that's 100 gold in our pockets and 20 more people to help us beat up Phailnix.