Bob Dylan said it best....: The Future of Australian Politics

Day 451, 20:49 Published in Australia Australia by FallbackPants

The times, they are a changing. Or at least the 3 major players in Australian politics hope.

Prime Minister Cottus Arci, Opposition Leader calibur and prospective Communist Party leader Taytaz all hope for some kind of change in the nature of Australian politics.

“...I’d like to see more political options, and with it, a better choice for voting Australians.” Cottus said.

Taytaz agrees, “The current political landscape is something I'd classify as adequate. It provides choice, but not great amounts, it is a democracy, but as always, two party systems tinker on the edge.”

This is a situation that Taytaz hopes to rectify with the creation of the Australian Communist Party (ACP). Its creation appears designed to create divisions within the strong left of Australian politics.

“I have no doubt the ACP will split the left vote, as it is desgne (sic) to do. However, Democratic Socialism and Communism are not polar opposites, nor is centre-right politics, so the ACP should be able to co-operate for the good of Australia with both sides” Taytaz states.

“This has been discussed quite a bit in the ANP forums. We consider it a possibility that it could split up the ADSP vote.” calibur, leader of the centrist opposition, the Australian National Party, said.

The ADSP’s election platform was one of national healthcare and establishing a diamond based gift industry after the liberation of the Northern Territory.

calibur sees such heavy handed government direction as unnecessary.

“...under the ANP we would begin to cut spending. Member of the ANP believe that we have spent a bit too much gold lately and should stop spending money and save a little bit. I would also like to see market based programs put into place so that private corporations can help out Australia.” He said.

“I feel that the current political landscape is not towards the center enough. We are too far to the left for my comfort.” calibur stated.

A sentiment quite opposite from Taytaz’s wish for more far-leftist options.

“Currently, we have a left wing party, and a right wing party, there is no middle ground, or strong ground. Communists are lumped in with centre lefties, and the ANP isn't lumped with anyone.”

The ASDP has dominated the electorate, both in votes and membership in recent times, a trend that calibur and Taytaz plan to change. Oddly enough, Cottus is with them.

“... it’s too much of a one party race. I cannot see anyone overtaking ADSP in member count, voting power & political talent. I’d like to see more political options represented.” He said.

Regardless of the future, both other leaders agree, Cottus Arci has, in a troubled time, led Australia well.

“I feel the Cottus Arci has done a fine job as Prime Minister” calibur said.

Taytaz agreed, “H(e) might not take things in exactly where I'd like them, but if he were to stand for election tomorow (sic) against anybody except maybe Widds 😛 I'd vote for him.”